🐉 22 November 2020: BBC > There's A Trudeau On The Loose! This sparked fresh claims from people, within Canada and further afield, that a cabal of global leaders is using the pandemic to introduce a range of damaging socialist and environmental policies. - #Canada

22 November 2020

When asked about conspiracy theories at the end of the week, Mr Trudeau said: "I think we're in a time of anxiety, where people are looking for reasons for things that are happening to them... we're seeing a lot of people fall prey to disinformation."

A video from August, which now has close to three million views on YouTube, believes only Donald Trump can thwart this secret plot, which uses Covid-19 to bring the US economy to its knees so the "reset" can begin and people will be "begging" for vaccines.

But the suggestion that politicians planned the virus, or are using it to destroy capitalism is wholly without evidence.

So too is the notion that the World Economic Forum has the authority to tell other countries what to do, or that it is coordinating a secret cabal of world leaders.

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