📶 6 Oct 2023: Headlines > There's A Biden On The Loose! TX Border Mayor: Biden Is Building Part of Wall ‘for Political Expediency,’ He’s Suing Abbott for Doing the Same. - #Texas

6 Oct 2023

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Rio Grande City, TX Mayor Joel Villareal stated that President Joe Biden’s plans to build a section of border wall are “for political expediency,” noted that the Biden administration is suing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) “for building a barrier when President Biden is doing the same thing” and argued that the parts of the wall the administration is building won’t actually help with the current influx.

Villareal said, “President Biden lied to the American people, because, if memory serves me well, he was not going to build another foot of border wall, and yet here we are, for political expediency, President Biden is building a border wall. Now, again, President Biden is building a border wall. Now, he should have never taken the position against the border wall, because, according to CBP, there are sections along the 2,000-mile southern border where the wall is beneficial. 

And, in fact, keep this in mind, border communities are in favor of securing the border. The question is simply how, what is that right mixture of personnel, infrastructure, and technology? But, according to this, when you’re looking at a 180-degree turn by President Biden, it begs the question, why the charade? Why sue Gov. Abbott for building a barrier when President Biden is doing the same thing? Talk about hypocrisy at its finest.”

Villareal also said the part of the wall being built by the administration is “not going to help as far as the influx, because these influxes, people are turning themselves in by the thousands. So, is it going to help as far as the influx? And the answer is no.”

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